GIVE ME COFFEE MORE ブレンド (ドリップバッグ10個セット)
¥3,500 税込
なら 手数料無料で 月々¥1,160から
コーヒーの袋にもこだわりました。私が生涯で一番好きなCARLTON & THE SHOSEのレコード「This Heart Of Mine」にインスパイアされ、珠玉の名曲「GIVE ME LITTLE MORE」からブレンド名を考えました。
EVER GREENなコーヒーでありたい。そんな思いでブレンドしました。
This is a special blend of Papua New Guinea Sigri AA beans roasted to a shallow roast and blended with Bariarabica Kamiyama and Brazilian Amarello Bourbon beans roasted to a deep roast.
It has a mild sweetness and richness with a slight aroma of chestnuts.
We also put a lot of thought into the coffee bag. Inspired by my lifelong favorite vinyl "This Heart Of Mine" by CARLTON & THE SHOSE, I came up with the blend name from the gem of a song "Give Me Little More".
I filled the coffee with the uplifting feeling I had when I first heard this song.
I want this coffee to be EVER GREEN. That's what I wanted for this blend.
Thank you to Mr. Aizawa for drawing this picture.
The vinyl is not for sale. It is just an image.
This album was miraculously re-released by OVERHEAT in December 2022. The vinyl pictured here is the reissued one.
¥3,500 税込